Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thank goodness for Fall Break

This is not my photo. Picasa adds my watermark to anything I upload. 

Thank goodness for Fall Break. We are in much need of this time of relaxation.
It seemed like the kids were just starting to get that cooped- up- in- a- class- room -all -day -itch.
Bubby wasn't showing us his homework. Playing outside was too much of a temptation and the weather is finally nice enough to do so.
Sis was just hitting a brick wall with trying to memorize her math problems.
Drew  is actually doing really well again. He hit that really rough patch last year and we were a little worried. But, alas he made Honor Roll. We are so relieved proud.
Gwen is her own person and if she decides that she is not going to preschool, there is no amount of bribing convincing her otherwise.
I was home-schooled for the last half of my school years.
I didn't realize what a luxury making my own schedule was! We still woke up fairly early and followed a pre-established curriculum ( this was before the internet and all its infinite home-schooling resources were made readily available) , but once we were done, the day was ours. We went on a lot of field trips and participated in lots of hands on learning.
So, because of this whenever my kiddos are off from school I try to jam pack it full of things to and adventures to have.
I usually get voted down with protests of " we just want to stay home and play!".

What can I say, I try.

1 comment:

Kerin said...

Sounds like you have some fun plans for the Fall break !
Hope you get to go on that hike.
Have a great day :)