Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This one is for my very own frog prince. Sometimes there is more frog than prince about him, but who's complaining.
Oh......I am.
I am still under the illusion that a simple kiss will help turn him into a prince.
He requires a little more than that, well, a lot more than that, but he is and ever will be my knight in shining armor, or frog or whatever.
I liked this one for my kids. If life is a sport, than I am glad to have them on my team. I choo choo choose them.


No, that's mean, ALL the time. See? I AM a good mom.

This one is for my mom, sisters, and friends. I have been truly blessed to have people in my life who truly get me.
Anna, if we weren't related I'd wish we were. For the sole fact that you "get" what I just said makes it even more so. 'Nuff said.
Mom, you are the only person who knows what I am feeling with a simple "hello" on the phone. You are what I aspire to be with my daughters.

Wishing you a very early Happy Valentines day.


Anonymous said...

Love 'em all! Especially the final sign.

Anonymous said...

it's good!....................

Laurie at Turner Farm said...

stopping in to say hello, Loving your blog and your sense of humor. Read through some of your posts and you had me laughing! Your dog post was
too cute! Look forward to reading more. Thanks for stopping by The Turner Farm

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I love fun quotes and pictures like that. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to enter my Giveaway. Hope you'll stop by again sometime. :)